Thursday, September 17, 2009

Oh moving

I swear moving and looking at the clutter that has become while unpacking WILL be the death of me. HOLY ANXIETY. That's it.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Yes!!! True Blood season finale TONIGHT! 
This is my newest addiction and I can't get enough of it. I decided that the HBO series are the best ever. If you have not seen this go rent season 1 now then you can watch season 2.
I'm so ready for Marianne to die I hope the 'God that comes' eats her face. No joke. Lafayette is the best character I have seen in a long time. He's amazing, and I would like to be his best friend. 
If you like Twilight you will love True Blood, it stems from the Sookie Stackhouse book series which I have yet to read. 

Also, we move in the next 3 days (according to apparently he is packing). I will pot some updates on our new house.
I will leave you with this brilliant new video Colbi made.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I don't want to grow up

I just have to share this. A REAL LIFE PETER PAN!!!!

You can read all about him here.


I had to! My title is pretty sweet though...
Instead of flooding Jenna's blog I will flood my own so people aren't forced to read everything that I think is amazing. 

So, I was up feeding Aubri this morning, sitting on the couch, browsing the TV when I see the Reel channel. What is so important about the Reel channel? They had a show dedicated to Twilight called 'Twilight Weekly'. Amazing, no? Well on this show they were covering the Twi-Con, a Twilight Convention. See, I knew about the Twilight Convention that was being held in Texas but I never imagined how many CRAZIES there really were. They has a Masked Ball where they wore elaborate Twilight themed dresses (duh!), Twilight themed masks, etc. There were even a group of middle aged women there who had shirts on that said "Twilight's Cougars". 
I'm determined to go to a Twi-Con at some point in my life. I couldn't care less about 'famous people' who star in the movie but I'm going for the pure entertainment factor of the die-hards. I'd be lying if I said I didn't read the books and REALLY love them, but I'm not one to go crazy over a fictional character.  Yes I'll wait in line to the see the midnight premier of the movies and secretly read the books over, and over, and over, and over, wash, rinse, repeat, but I am not the kind of person to buy a t-shirt, pin, bumper sticker, or poster. NSYNC when you're 13 is an entirely different story though. 
Ramble much? I think so.