Sunday, September 13, 2009


Yes!!! True Blood season finale TONIGHT! 
This is my newest addiction and I can't get enough of it. I decided that the HBO series are the best ever. If you have not seen this go rent season 1 now then you can watch season 2.
I'm so ready for Marianne to die I hope the 'God that comes' eats her face. No joke. Lafayette is the best character I have seen in a long time. He's amazing, and I would like to be his best friend. 
If you like Twilight you will love True Blood, it stems from the Sookie Stackhouse book series which I have yet to read. 

Also, we move in the next 3 days (according to apparently he is packing). I will pot some updates on our new house.
I will leave you with this brilliant new video Colbi made.

1 comment:

  1. Colbi, I must say that was the most brilliant song ever!
    Im assuming she made this up herself?
