Saturday, October 3, 2009

It's been awhile...

I'm officially moved. I have three boxes left to unpack and put away. THANK YOU JESUS!
Anyways updates...
My ass is killing me from the stairs in our house. Colbi is going to be a fairy for Halloween and Aubri is going to be a penguin. We hopefully remodel our kitchen in two weeks and I can't wait.
Bad news...I'm going on a diet. Yes. IT SUCKS! I'm seriously going to live off of chicken and egg whites for a month. Maybe some celery here and there. I'm cutting, or am really really going to try, out all starches. No more bread, pasta, or anything that's worth eating. I highly recommend staying out of my way for at least 2 weeks.
I just planted my entire farm in farmtown so no more typing. I WILL get some pictures up eventually.

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