Thursday, October 22, 2009

It's been awhile, again.

I really am horrible about keeping up with things unless it is right there in front of my. So as I watch Project Runway, one of my new favorite shows, I will blog.

SO, I almost had a breakdown. We all know I love Twilight, even though no one is supposed know that though lol. WELL, Jenna and I have been planning to go to the midnight showing of New Moon for MONTHS. Well, being that we're not true TWI-HARDS we were late on purchasing the tickets. Yes, THEY WERE SOLD OUT. My life was crumbling. Well, I posted wanted ad's on craigslist, harassed every movie theater within 50miles and it wasn't getting me anywhere.
Today, while making dinner, I was browsing craigslist, something I have been doing ever 20min looking for tickets lol, and there it was. TWO NEW MOON MIDNIGHT PREMIER TICKETS FOR ARROYO GRANDE! I GOT THEM! I drove to SLO tonight and almsot asked the girl to marry me I was so happy she was selling them to me. I feel like I need to lock them in the safe because if someone breaks into our house (ha!) that will be the first thing they take.
I promise to update sooner than later!

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