Thursday, March 11, 2010

It's been even longer

So sue me. I SUCK at following through with most things in life, and now we can add blogging to that list.
A lot has happened since October, yeah SIX months ago. We have been through Halloween, Thanksgiving (mmm), Christmas, New Years, and so on and so on. Most importantly, next week is my birthday, and I will be a quarter of a century old.
I started school again, go ahead say encouraging words to me and tell me you're proud of me. Well, there are a select few in some of my classes who are...hmm...shall we say ghetto fabulous? Minus the fabulous of course. Hood-rat honky? Is that possible? When you tattoo a beer label on you, no matter what your race, I think honky is a good term. When I think honky, I think Billy Jo and his 12 pack of natty ice, his woman barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen with a black eye, and an old jalopy in the yard. Yes, honky is the perfect term no matter what their race is. Anyways, the hood of the classroom, the back corner none the less, is occupied by the hood-rat honkies. They like to show off their pictures they take for the sanchos in jail, show off beer label tattoos, their boys names on their chest (even the ones that are scratched out and replaced by new names), and all the drugs they have done. Where is this school that has such students? Santa Maria of course!
Anyways, hood-rat honky Ethel, we'll just call her Ethel because she's, well, old, has some pretty Klassy pictures of herself . Yes, Klassy with a capital K. She's is wearing more make up than clothing, more mouse and gel than the two combined, and some sweet press on nails. She likes to announce that these are the pg version of the pics she took for her gangsta in the slammer.
Speaking of slammers, I got to help arrest a crazy gangster this past weekend. Yes, I went to work with Matt, was driven into the GHETTO of town and told him I never wanted to go back into that part of town again. 20min later, we're sent to a call there for a gang fight and possible stabbing. Now, I am the whitest, THE whitest person around. I'm not familiar with the ghetto or gangsters. I'm also very polite to people I have just met. This kid, yes KID, was arrested, taken back to the station. I very nicely put his belongings in the evidence bag, straightened out his wadded up money, and made sure his Washington Nationals hat wasn't ruined. I got upset with a police officer came in and started acting like an ass to him. THEN I find out he was carrying a sharpened screwdriver with "cop" etched into it. His entire goal in life is to stab a cop. I wanted to release my inner ghetto, ha, and go all loco on him. If Matt ever gets stabbed by a screwdriver and I know where this boy hangs, his name, and birthdate. That's not a threat though.

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